Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Indian Lake

 Indian  Lake 离我家仅3英哩, 虽然近,但 从 没去拍过, 几次都是白天开车匆忙路过,也不觉得怎么好看,所以从没把它放在眼里。 今天起的早,去附近Indian Lake 转转,也许能拍点什么, 几分钟就来到了湖边,我被这静谧的湖光景色一下子震住了,欣赏了好一会儿,才拿出相机脚架,心里感叹着,真应该早来此地啊!








Sunday, August 29, 2010


这是十七的月亮,本应拍十五的月亮,不巧错过了, 只好以后再拍了。
这里列出不同曝光时间下月亮的面目,曝光时间越长越接近我们肉眼所见的月亮, 短曝才能

Butterfly 2

今年的夏天似乎比往年长,已是八月末了,温度持高,达90华氏,也许有更多拍蝴蝶的机会, 果然不出我所料,尽管汗流夹背,但拍到了这幅[蝶恋花] 让我大呼 “值!”。

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bird net

Star trail

上个周六, 我醒的很早,本想再多睡一会儿,可是怎么也睡不着了 ,爬起来看看窗外夜空,只见星斗布 满了天空且在微微闪烁,偶尔见到一颗流星划过,似乎在显示它的存在。好漂亮的夜空啊!两天前我刚读过怎么拍星轨和夜景,象这样无月的夜空应该是最好的拍摄时机,何不乘兴去试试镜头呢? 我开车来到附近一个施工场,这里光的污染相对少一点。我 停好了车,选好了景,支好了角架,锁定了镜头,按下线控快门,因不确定拍的就是北极星, 第一张曝了5分钟,确定了北极星的位置之后, 再次按下快门,,,等待,,,功夫不负苦心人,拍到了让我兴奋一时的星轨片。  (Trail & wheel)
Canon 40D, EF17-40mm f/4L USM lens at 17mm, manual, focus at infinity, mirror lock,  f/8.0, exposure 1694 seconds, ISO 100.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Butterfly 1

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
-"Maya Angelou"
On my home from work today, I stopped at the park to see what I could shoot. Hope you enjoy these butterflies. Please feel free to leave comments. Subscribe if you like it!

Until next time!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Blog!

Tonight my son suggested I create my own photoblog online to show my pictures to the world. He's probably getting tired of listening to me talk about my photos. After spending nearly half an hour coming up with a blog name that wasn't already taken (I had to have my son explain to me what "peculiar" means), here I am! I'm going to try and give this photoblog a stab.

Photos coming soon!